SPP Webinar: From Data to Impact

Webinar recording & slides for public access: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bXScn4sfSU-ZBWyrOX5GFjNo6MktH3kH?usp=sharing

60 attendees came together for this webinar, which explored insights from two key reports to highlight the critical role of data in advancing shared print preservation. Presenters explored findings from “Stewarding the Collective Collection,” a comprehensive analysis of monograph print retention data across the US and Canada and revisited the outcomes of the PAPR II Summit, which addressed pressing challenges in print serial preservation in 2015.

By combining insights and perspectives, we can build a stronger, more coordinated future for print preservation.


  • Facilitator- Joseph Hafner, Dean, York University Libraries, co-chair of Shared Print Partnership (SPP)
  • Amy Wood,  Director of Discovery & Technology, CRL
  • Constance Malpas, Executive Director, Research and Programming, OCLC
  • Ian Bogus, Executive Director, ReCAP

Joint Partnership & Rosemont Update Webinar – Recording

Partnership Logo
Rosemont Logo

Held February 23, 2023

This webinar featured program updates from the Partnership for Shared Book Collections and the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance. A recording is below, and the slides are also available.

Rosemont – Greg Eow, Chair of the Exec Committee
Partnership – Peg Seiden, Chair of the Exec Committee
Strategic Priorities and Key Projects
Program Updates from The Partnership Working Groups Chairs
Best Practices – Tony Fonseca  Communications and Advocacy – Rebecca Lubas
Infrastructure – Linda Wobbe Research & Network Level – Mary Miller
Program Updates from The Rosemont Alliance  – John Burger  
Updates on the relationship between the Partnership and Rosemont – Daniel Dollar
Wrap-up/Conclusions – Greg Eow

Joint Partnership/Rosemont Member Meeting – Feb. 8, 2022

Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Logo

The Shared Print Future is Open and Big

Feb 8, 2022

Below are notes documents, slides, and the recording of the main meeting. Breakout rooms were not recorded, though reporting back from the breakouts is included in the video.

Documents and Slides:

Breakout Room Docs:

Opening Music Video – “Shared Print”, by Beckoning Cat (Dapper Kitty Music)


Welcome and Setting the Stage (10 min)
Susan Stearns, Project Director, Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST)
Program Updates from the Chairs of the Executive Committees (30 min)
Partnership for Shared Book Collections:
Daniel Dollar, Associate University Librarian for Scholarly Resources Yale University 
Rosemont Shared Print Alliance:
Michael Levine-Clark, Dean, University Libraries, University of Denver 
Panel on  “Open Doors / Open Infrastructure / Open Data / Open Access” (45 min) 
Moderated by Greg Eow, President, Center for Research Libraries (CRL) & Rosemont Alliance Executive Committee Member
Teri Gallaway, Executive Director, Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC)
on open doors for shared print
Kirsten Leonard, Executive Director, Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI)
on open infrastructure for shared print
Ian Bogus, Executive Director Research Collections and Preservation Consortium (ReCAP)
on opening access to collective collections
Break (10 min) 
Breakouts Sessions (30 min):
Controlled Digital Lending 
Host: Charlie Barlow, Executive Director, Boston Library Consortium
Platform for Open Data (POD)
Host: Tom Cramer, Associate University Librarian, Library Technology, Stanford University
Linked Data  
Host:  Nancy Lorimer, Head, Metadata Department, Stanford Libraries, Stanford University
Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Platform
Host: Boaz Nadav-Manes, University Librarian, Lehigh University
Partnership/Rosemont Alliance future relationship 
Hosted by the Chairs of the Rosemont Alliance and Partnership Executive and Ops Committees
Open Topics 
Host: Aaron Krebeck, Director of Library & User Services, Washington Research Library Consortium
Reporting back from breakouts and Q & A (30 min)
Wrap-up/Conclusions – Exec Committee Chairs (5 min)

Several Open Notes Docs will be used during the meeting:

Meeting Open Notes Dochttps://bit.ly/PSBC2022MemberMeeting
Controlled Digital Lending Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/Breakout_CDL
Platform for Open Data Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/Breakout_POD
Linked Data Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/Breakout_LD
Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Platform Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/Breakout_CCLP
Partnership/Rosemont Alliance Future Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/PartnershipAndRosemont
Open Topics Breakout Roomhttp://bit.ly/OpenTopics

Analyzing Collections Using Gold Rush – October 6, 2021

The Partnership for Book Collections and Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust hosted a webinar on “Analyzing collections using Gold Rush” on October 6, 2021.

The webinar featured presenters from the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust, Keep@Downsview, and Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation highlighting the different ways their programs have utilized the Gold Rush Comparison tool in collection analysis projects. George Machovec, Executive Director of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, which developed the Gold Rush tool, provided an overview of the tool’s functionality. A recording of the event and presenter slides are available below.

Annual Member Meeting – June 8 2021

The first annual member meeting of the Partnership took place on June 8th, 2021. Below are the slides and recording, along with the agenda and speaker information.

Presenter Slides: Partnership for Shared Book Collections | Chicago Collections Consortium | Library of Congress | VIVA | Archives for Black Lives

Partnership for Shared Book Collections Annual Member Meeting

Date/Time: June 8, 2021 (2.5 hrs)
10 a.m. PDT / 11 a.m. MDT / 12 p.m. CDT  / 1 p.m. EDT 

Description: Join us for an update on current and future work of the Partnership for Shared Book Collections. Topics include updates from working groups and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion panel.

-Welcome and General Update from Partnership 
-Working group updates – Best Practices  / Communications and Advocacy / Infrastructure  / Research and Network Level 
-10 minute break (at approximately 11 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. MDT / 1 p.m. CDT / 2 p.m. EDT)
-DEI Panel followed by Q&A:

Alexis Antracoli

Christopher Lowder

Jeanne Long

Michael Matos

  • Alexis Antracoli Deputy AUL for Special Collections Princeton
    Archives for Black Lives in Philadelphia (A4BLiP) Anti-Racist Description Resources
  • Christopher Lowder Online Learning Assistant at George Mason University, VIVA
    Applying EDI Values to Collection Assessment
  • Jeanne Long Executive  Director of Chicago Collections
    Collaborating, Preserving, Sharing
  • Michael Matos – Senior Collections Development Analyst, Library of Congress and
    Stephanie Smith – Senior Collections Development Analyst, Library of Congress 
    Assessing the General Collections of the Library of Congress

More information about our speakers:

Alexis Antracoli, Princeton, co-author of Anti-Racist Descriptive Resources
Alexis Antracoli is Assistant University Librarian for Special Collections, Technical Services. She leads the Archival Description and Processing team and supervises the Curatorial Services team. She also acquires manuscripts in American history to 1877.  Previously she worked at Drexel University Libraries and the University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library.  She has published on web archiving, inclusive description, and the archiving of born-digital audio visual content. Alexis is active in the Society of American Archivists, where she serves on the Education Committee and is Chair of the Acquisitions and Appraisal Section; she also teaches the Archives and Manuscripts course at the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information. She is especially interested in applying user experience research and user-center design to archival discovery systems, developing and applying inclusive description practices, and web archiving. She holds an M.S.I. in Archives and Records Management from the    University of  Michigan, a Ph.D. in American History from Brandeis University, and a B.A. in History from Boston College.

Christopher Lowder, Online Learning Assistant at George Mason University, VIVA
Chris Lowder  is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a diversity and inclusion specialization from the University of Maryland. His research interests include information accessibility, online learning, and inclusive teaching in library instruction. 

Jeanne Long, Exec Director of Chicago Collections
Jeanne Long (jlong@chicagocollections.org) is the Executive Director of Chicago CollectionsConsortium (CCC). Prior to joining CCC in 2017, Long had an extensive 31-year career at the Art Institute and the School of the Art Institute (SAIC). While at SAIC, Long was appointed in 2010 Director of Community Partnerships where she oversaw strategic programming that highlighted the work of students and alumni.

Michael Matos, Library of Congress
Michael Matos is a Senior Collections Development Analyst at the U.S. Library of Congress. In this role, Mr. Matos handles a variety of projects in collection development, policy, and assessment related to the Library’s permanent collections.  During his tenure at LC, Mr. Matos has completed several internal assessment projects, including analyzing the Library’s web archiving effort, reviewing the collecting of U.S. dissertations, and analyzing U.S. serials not held by the Library for potential acquisition.  Before joining LC, he held various library positions at American University, Georgetown University, and Florida State University.  He earned a BA at the University of Maryland, MSLS at Florida State University, and MA in Art History at Florida State University.

Stephanie Smith, Library of Congress
Stephanie Smith is a Collections Development Analyst at the U.S. Library of Congress, where she works on collection development-related policies, documentation, and assessment. At LC, her previous assessment work includes assessment of targeted segments of the Library’s collections and analysis of external library and publishing industry activity, including a review of collection policies and practices related to open digital content. She previously worked in collection development positions at George Mason University. She has a BS from Indiana Wesleyan University and an MSI from the University of Michigan.

Working with Shared Print in OCLC – February 2021

The Partnership and the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance sponsored two webinars on working with Shared Print in OCLC. The session recordings and slides are listed below.

Registering Shared Print Commitments in OCLC
Held Wednesday Friday February 17th, 10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m Eastern 
Learn from your colleagues ideas for self-registering shared print retention commitments, including monographs, multipart monographs, and serials, using OCLC’s new shared print registration service.
Slides: CSV Method | MARC Method

Working with Shared Print Commitments in OCLC
Held Friday February 19, 10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m.Eastern 
Join us for a walk-through of working with your registered Shared Print commitments in OCLC services, including maintenance and discovery.
Slides: All Slides

Best Practices Working Group Webinar – June 3, 2020

Officially launched in January of 2020, the Partnership for Shared Book Collections is a federation of monograph shared print programs with a mission of coordinating collaboration among shared print monograph initiatives. As part of the Partnership, the Best Practices Working Group has collaborated on the development of several best practices for shared print programs. This webinar, recorded June 3, 2020, provided an introduction to the Partnership and discussed the best practices already available. (slides)

Heather Weltin is the Shared Print Program Officer at HathiTrust, a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items. The HathiTrust Shared Print Program has retained around 18.4 million monograph volumes making it one of the largest shared print monograph programs. Heather is co-chair of the Partnership’s Best Practices Working Group and a member of the Steering Committee.

Tina Baich is the Senior Associate Dean for Scholarly Communication & Content Strategies at IUPUI University Library. Her portfolio includes the Center for Digital Scholarship, Resource Acquisition & Description, Resource Sharing & Delivery Services, and the Ruth Lilly Special Collections & Archives. She previously served as the Project Coordinator of the ALI-PALNI Shared Print Program and currently serves as the co-chair of the Partnership’s Best Practices Working Group and as a member of the Steering Committee.