The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book Collections were separate organizations focused on ensuring the retention of and access to print journal backfiles and monographs respectively. As of July 1st, 2024, they have formed a single entity known as the Shared Print Partnership. The following year will serve as a bridge to finalize the scope and mission of this new organization, with work being guided by a bridge year executive committee.
This website is currently being updated to reflect the new organization.
We envision a resilient, interconnected partnership dedicated to the enduring stewardship and accessibility of shared print resources, enhancing scholarly research and collaboration at scale.
— Mission, Vision & Values
Partnership News:
- SPP Webinar: From Data to Impact
- Analysis of Monograph Print Retention Data Report
- Shared Print Actions: Terminology (SPA) Finalized and Ready for Use
See all Partnership News and Events
and Shared Print in the News
By creating a collaborative collection which elevates the concept of a library collection to scale above a single institution, shared print programs help research libraries to fulfill their mission to preserve the scholarly record in an era of changing usage, limited funding, and space constraints.
From “Top Trends in Academic Libraries“, College and Research Libraries News vol. 83, no. 6 (2022)
Interested in Joining the Partnership?
Many opportunities exist, from volunteering on working groups to program membership. Please Contact Us for more information or follow along by joining the “Interested” Google Group.