Rosemont – About Us

Program Statement / Vision and Mission

Beginning in Fall 2015 and throughout 2016, four shared print journal programs in the United States explored opportunities for collaboration. Representatives from the steering committees of each program gathered twice in Rosemont, Illinois to consider options for collaboration. They identified areas of greatest need for sustained group action. From these discussions, emerged a shared vision, mission, initial strategic directions and a governance structure to guide our collective efforts to develop shared print journal collections in the United States.


The libraries of the participating shared print programs agree:

  1. to pursue a common vision to ensure the preservation and availability of print journal literature.
  2. to adopt a common mission to collaboratively develop, manage and coordinate the identification, retention, registration, discovery of and access to a shared, distributed collection of print journals in the United States.
  3. to periodically define and collectively agree upon strategic directions to accomplish the vision and mission.
    1. Collection Growth and Security
    2. Shared Policies or Guidelines
    3. Advocacy & Engagement with Other Programs
    4. Infrastructure

Vision and Mission

The Vision: We ensure the preservation and availability of print journal literature to enable research, teaching, and learning.

The Mission:  We collaboratively develop, manage and coordinate the identification, retention, registration, discovery of, and access to a shared, distributed collection of print academic journals in North America. 


An Executive Committee and Operations Committee oversee the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance. The governance committees are responsible for guiding collective efforts among regions, consortia and participating libraries and with other organizations to develop shared print journal collections in the United States

Executive Committee

The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Executive Committee is composed of voting representatives and non-voting staff. The Executive Committee meets once yearly in person as possible, and quarterly or as needed by telephone/e-meeting.    

The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Executive Committee is responsible for and charged to:

  1. establish strategic directions for the program;
  2. review and secure resources to achieve the strategic directions;
  3. review and approve a multi-year plan (timeline, actions, performance indicators) developed by the Operations Committee to accomplish the strategic directions;
  4. review and approve business models, operational policies and guidelines developed by the Operations Committee;
  5. advocate for program strategies and cultivate consensus with peer institutions;
  6. advocate for program strategies with other organizations and service providers; and
  7. establish membership criteria and manage membership in the program.   

Composition of Executive Committee

  • Voting Representatives. Each member program has one Executive Committee representative for every 25 libraries participating in their shared print program. If a program has fewer than 25 libraries participating in their shared print program, it will have one representative on the Executive Committee.Executive Committee representatives shall be a library dean / director / university librarian or similar top-level position within the library.Term.  Representatives serve staggered 3-year terms, with her/his/their tenure ending on December 31 of the third year.
  • Non-voting Staff. Chief Program Officers and/or the Shared Print Program Officer from each member program may serve as non-voting staff to the Executive Committee.
  • Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee is selected from among the Executive Committee representatives.The Chairperson is responsible for preparing agendas, prioritizing and vetting decision-items and providing guidance to the Operations Committee when requested. Term.  The Chairperson is selected on a rotating basis at the end of the calendar year, alphabetically by the name of the member program. The Chairperson serves a one-year term, beginning in January and ending December 31.Exception:  The incoming Chairperson may request a one-year postponement if the next consortium in rotation is able to substitute. It is preferred that the Executive Committee and Operations Committee Chairpersons be from separate shared print programs.
  • Ex-officio Member.  The Chairperson of the Operations Committee serves as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. The ex-officio member is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and acts as a liaison between the Executive Committee and the Operations Committee. ​

Operations Committee

Members of the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Operations Committee are appointed for their expertise and/or role in their shared print programs. The Operations Committee meets once yearly in person as possible, and monthly or as needed by telephone/e-meeting. The Operations Committee reports to the Executive Committee

The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Operations Committee is responsible for and charged to:

  1. guide implementation of strategic directions for the program, in consultation with participating libraries;
  2. advise the Executive Committee as needed to achieve strategic directions; for example, to identify and propose needed resources;
  3. prepare a multi-year plan (timeline, actions, performance indicators) to accomplish the strategic directions;
  4. propose business models, operational policies and guidelines with participating libraries;
  5. conduct program assessments and report on progress toward goals;
  6. represent the program to and coordinate with other organizations and service providers; and
  7. manage program communications with/for member programs and their libraries, including semi-annual reporting.

Composition of the Operations Committee

  • Voting Representatives. Each member program shall have representation on the Operations Committee, typically the Chief Program Officer and/or the Shared Print Program Officer of their shared print program.  
  • Non-voting Staff.  A reasonable number of other staff from each member program may serve as non-voting staff to the Operations Committee as desired.
  • Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Operations Committee is selected from among the Operations Committee voting representatives.The Chairperson is responsible for preparing agendas, prioritizing and vetting decision-items, and delegating work items and appointing subgroups as needed.  The Chairperson retains a vote during her/his/their tenure as Chairperson.The Chairperson of the Operations Committee serves as liaison and ex-officio member to the Executive Committee.Term.  The Chairperson is selected on a rotating basis at the end of the calendar year, alphabetically by the name of the member program. The Chairperson serves a one-year term, beginning in January and ending December 31.Exception:  The incoming Chairperson may request a one-year postponement if the next consortium in rotation is able to substitute.  It is preferred that the Executive Committee and Operations Committee Chairpersons be from separate shared print programs.

Committee Appointments

The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance Executive Committee voting representatives are appointed/affirmed each year by the leadership body of their program or consortium. Voting representative positions on the Operations Committee are typically filled by the Chief Program Officer, the Shared Print Program Officer, or similar staff position


The member programs will strive to reach decisions by consensus. Consensus is defined as “being at peace with the matter.” It is noted that some decisions/activities will require acceptance by all programs to proceed (“all-in”), while other activities may be feasible if undertaken by a subset of participants (“opt-in”). The Executive Committee shall determine which decisions require all-in participation and which are feasible under an opt-in model. For further information on decision making, see the Rosemont Decision Making Examples.

In all governance matters, each member shared print program shall have one vote when a vote is called.  Programs with more than one voting representative must find consensus within their shared print program before casting its vote.

In such cases, any tie votes are considered unsuccessful.