
Strategic Directions 2022 – 2024

To advance our vision and mission, we agree to pursue the following strategic directions together over the next five years:

Collection Growth and Security

  1. To establish milestones for collection growth and retention, including adding new titles and more copies to the collective collection.
    1. To further enhance the completeness and security of the scholarly record, we will continue to add new journal titles and fill gaps in the titles we retain.
    2. We will also explore ways we can seek out new titles that reflect diversity of scholarship.
    3. We will focus on optimizing the redundancy and the geographic distribution of the titles we retain.
    4. We will utilize data from the Last Known Copies pilot project to draft a process that allows participating libraries to efficiently evaluate and make retention decisions for relevant materials that seem to be rare or unique within Rosemont, so they may be added to the collective collection.

Shared Policies or Guidelines

  1. To align operational policies for registration of retention commitments, preservation actions, discovery of, and access to shared print journal collections.
    1. All participants in the Rosemont Alliance agree and affirm that all holdings retained by their respective programs are also retained under the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and, by definition, subject to the Rosemont shared policies or guidelines, including the Access Principles.
    2. We will adopt a common metadata standard to disclose retention commitments and preservation actions. The standard will provide common guidelines for disclosing retention commitments in OCLC WorldCat, PAPR, and other print journal registries as appropriate.
    3. We will adopt validation guidelines to describe expected actions and outcomes when completeness and condition are reviewed at the volume level.
    4. We will establish basic expectations and guidelines for filling gaps in shared print journal collections.
    5. We will develop ways to track and report usage of the collective collection.
    6. When long-term retention of a desired title or item is not possible by the original owner, we will identify and share information about processes that facilitate the transfer of materials between participating libraries, including expectations for their long term retention.

Advocacy & Engagement with Other Programs

  1. We will explore potential partnerships with National Libraries, the Partnership for Shared Book Collections (the Partnership), and other programs in the US and Canada to further grow the collective collection of retained scholarly materials.
  2. We will work with the Partnership and other programs to develop messaging and outreach activities that emphasize the importance of Shared Print programs to audiences within libraries and higher education and to external audiences.


  1. We will support the ongoing development of important infrastructure tools that assist in decision-making for our programs and our constituent libraries, including possible de-accessioning decisions by local libraries based on the availability of the Rosemont collective collection.

Project Task List

Updated April 6, 2022
See also the Previous Project Task Lists

  • This Task List outlines the implementation timeline for achieving the strategic directions outlined in the Program Statement.
  • The Task List guides governance committees and program working groups’ activities to facilitate continuity of actions and direction.
  • Updates are made by and ratified by governance committees as implementation progresses and in tandem with changes to the Strategic Directions, as appropriate.

Ongoing Tasks

  • Each program provides updated title counts twice yearly, in anticipation of annual Rosemont Alliance Executive Committee meeting
    • Collection statistics will be reported to the Rosemont Alliance Executive Committee at their annual ‘in-person’ meeting and will be included in the Rosemont Alliance PAN Midwinter program update Program Updates
    • Status of Last Known Copy program to be included in those updates
  • Review and update the Rosemont Alliance Strategic Directions and Task List
  • Monitor the development of, and advocate for, improved infrastructure for shared print
    • Serve as a consulting body for the CDL, CRL & HT collaboration for shared print
    • Coordinate with OCLC on shared print services and policies
      • Continue to advocate for improvements in the OCLC registration service
    • Develop and distribute guides on applications and services designed to analyze journal holdings for shared print
  • Continue to partner with Partnership for Shared Book Collections on advocacy, communication, and developing shared print policies and best practices
    • Establish a working group to guide this process
    • Develop rubric to provide evidence for the recommendations for further activities
    • Develop recommendation regarding merger of the two programs
  • Communication and Administration – Outreach / communicate with participating libraries & other shared print programs on new activities, milestones, progress, etc. and update the Rosemont Alliance website as needed. (overseen by the chairing program, the Rosemont Alliance Communications Working Group and the newly formed – with the Partnership – joint Communications & Advocacy Working Group.)

Current: 2022 Annual Task List

Strategic DirectionTaskProgressWorking Group (*C = Convener)
Storage PartnersIdentify and Engage with Storage Partner libraries.CompletedMark Jacobs (WRLC/ST) – C Alison Wohlers (WEST) Matthew Revitt (EAST) Ben Walker (FLARE) Susan Stearns (EAST) Marie Waltz (CRL)
Shared Policies: AccessAssess resource sharing and statistical data collection capabilities for shared print (GAC/RapidILL). Discussion points: Goal for data collection; how is success measured? Work to be coordinated with Partnership for Shared Book Collections.In ProcessBen Walker (FLARE) – C Rebecca Crist (BTAA) Aaron Krebeck (ASERL/WRLC) Sara Amato (EAST/liaison to Partnership work)
Shared Policies: Gap-fillingReview gap-filling approaches and supporting policies. Define scope and intent of Rosemont guidelines, including evaluation of any coordination with JSTOR work and transfer of gaps to storage partners Identify reporting, decision-support capabilities, contribution guidelines. Write policy Executive review and approval. Program review and ratification.In ProcessRebecca Crist (BTAA) – C Ben Walker (FLARE) Marie Waltz (CRL) Cheryle Cole-Bennett (ASERL/ST) Anna Striker (WEST)
Communication and AdministrationSchedule and execute annual Exec Co Meeting.Ops Chair to schedule for Q4 of 2022.Ops Chairperson(s)

Policies and Procedures