SPP Webinar: From Data to Impact

Webinar recording & slides for public access: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bXScn4sfSU-ZBWyrOX5GFjNo6MktH3kH?usp=sharing

60 attendees came together for this webinar, which explored insights from two key reports to highlight the critical role of data in advancing shared print preservation. Presenters explored findings from “Stewarding the Collective Collection,” a comprehensive analysis of monograph print retention data across the US and Canada and revisited the outcomes of the PAPR II Summit, which addressed pressing challenges in print serial preservation in 2015.

By combining insights and perspectives, we can build a stronger, more coordinated future for print preservation.


  • Facilitator- Joseph Hafner, Dean, York University Libraries, co-chair of Shared Print Partnership (SPP)
  • Amy Wood,  Director of Discovery & Technology, CRL
  • Constance Malpas, Executive Director, Research and Programming, OCLC
  • Ian Bogus, Executive Director, ReCAP