Services and Actions

The Partnership for Shared Book Collections plans to provide the following initial services to support both existing and emerging shared print monograph programs. These services take into account where external groups are already engaged in similar work and could be partnered with to encourage development/success. These services align closely with the Expressions of Action which the Partnership submitted to at the CDL, CRL & HathiTrust Shared Print Collaboration (CCH) at their Summit in December 2021.


Type of ServiceGoal/Objectives
Best PracticesThe Partnership will research, identify, and promote evidence-based best practices and guidelines.    
Marketing / CommunicationThe Partnership will develop a Marketing/Communication toolkit to address Members’ communication needs related to shared print.
Shared Print EfficienciesThe Partnership will investigate activities that best scale at the network-level of shared print work, such as conducting research about shared print issues (e.g. optimal number of copies).  
Shared Print Program DirectoryThe Partnership will provide and maintain a directory of shared print programs in order to help libraries understand available options.
Program Support ServicesThe Partnership will support emerging shared print programs or shared print programs without sufficient staff.  
Resource SharingInvestigate resource sharing infrastructure to support shared print programs.
Develop principles for access to content across shared print programs that have shared agreements across members.
Identify Unique MaterialsThe Partnership will facilitate a process to analyze library monograph collections and identify unique or scarcely held materials so they may be preserved within Member programs.  
Discovery/MetadataThe Partnership will investigate feasible approaches to integrating retention commitments within a program or across programs for discovery by individual participating libraries.

Expression of Action from CCH Summit

  • Work with Rosemont to convene the appropriate players within shared print including service providers, shared print programs, and library practitioners to discuss the development of more robust and flexible matching algorithms. 
  • Advocate with service providers (and educate when necessary) on how the current MARC 583 standard can be used TODAY by both service providers and practitioners within existing workflows to further integration of shared print across the lifecycle of collection management. 
  •  Highlight shared print as a part of the collection lifecycle, with an emphasis on shared print as part of the collective collection.
  •  Investigate opportunities for the Partnership Infrastructure Working Group to support and align with the CCH Shared Print Collaboration work.
  • Pursue the Research Agenda that the Partnership began developing in 2020 and consider how best to address DEI considerations.